Meet new people, discover art or study Slovak in one of the modern cultural centres.
This list does not include all cultural and community centres in Slovakia.
The purpose of the list is to provide you with contacts to places where you can easily join an active cultural community. However, you might find other interesting places in your vicinity.
Video: What you won’t find in tourist guides. How to understand Slovak culture and society.
A community centre, language courses, discussions, exhibitions, film screenings.
Lazaretská 32, Bratislava
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Ateliers, creative workshops, exhibitions, film screenings, literary evenings, discussions and a cafe.
Račianska 78, Bratislava
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A community centre, creative workshops, activities for children, clubs, courses, dancing, concerts, theatre, film screenings.
DK Zrkadlový háj – Rovniankova 3, Bratislava
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DK Lúky – Vigľašská 1, Bratislava
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Cik Cak Centrum – Jiráskova 3, Bratislava
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Creative workshops, discussions, lectures, exhibitions and concerts.
Dolná 24, Modra
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Theatre and dance performances, concerts, film screenings, literary evenings, conferences, discussions and educational events.
Štefánikova 4, Trnava
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A summer cultural and community centre. Concerts, lectures, discussions, film screenings, literature, theatre and creative workshops.
Vodná 4675, Nitra
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Ateliers, art, communities, education, cultural events and public services.
Kollárova 2, Piešťany
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Film screenings, concerts, discussions, activities for children and travelling.
Mierové námestie 19, Trenčín
pasáž Zlatá Fatima
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Exhibitions, concerts, discussions and activities for children.
Ulica 17. Novembra, Topoľčany
podchod autobusovej stanice
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Concerts, theatre, dancing, literature, film screenings, exhibitions and a cafe.
Nábrežie slobody 1, Púchov
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Creative workshops, exhibitions, film screenings, literary evenings, discussions, concerts and a cafe.
Hurbana 220, Žilina
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A cafe, creative workshops, exhibitions, film screenings, literary evenings, discussions, concerts.
Závodská cesta 3, Žilina
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Discussions, lectures, knowledge quizzes, travelling, film screenings, concerts, creative workshops and a bar.
Malá hora 4064, Martin
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A cafe, a reading room, film screenings, discussions, exhibitions, concerts and a cafe.
Námestie SNP 16, Banská Bystrica
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Theatre, concerts, travelling, discussions, film screenings, literature and a bar.
Námestie M. R. Štefánika 16, Brezno
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Exhibitions, concerts, creative workshops, theatre, lectures and a bar.
Nad Rozgrundom, Banská Štiavnica
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A reading room, a bookshop, film screenings, discussions, exhibitions, concerts and a cafe.
Námestie osloboditeľov 1, Liptovský Mikuláš
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Exhibitions, lectures, creative workshops, activities for children, film screenings, dancing and educational programs.
Hviezdoslavova 12, Poprad
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Discussions, lectures, theatre, concerts, travelling and knowledge quizzes.
Hlavná 121, Prešov
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Exhibitions, discussions, concerts, film screenings, creative workshops, a beer pub, a cafe and a bar.
Gorkého 2, Košice
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Dancing, theatre, concerts, exhibitions, literature, multi-genre, charity collections, lectures and discussions.
Kukučínova 2, Košice
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Film screenings, lectures, literature, exhibitions and a bar.
Kasárenské námestie 1, Košice
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Concerts, discussions, quizzes, film screenings, literary evenings and a cafe.
Betliarska 2, Rožňava
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Lectures, exhibitions, concerts, dancing, theatre, yoga, activities for children, creative workshops, film screenings and a cafe.
Na hradbách 3, Bardejov
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